Terms and conditions of use
Customer Service:
@ customercare@pavonitalia.com
T +39 035.4934.111
From Monday to Friday - 8:30-12:30 / 14:00-18:00
Terms and conditions of use
These provisions regulate the General Conditions of Use of the website www.pavonitalia.com owned by the company Pavoni Italia S.p.A. - Via Enrico Fermi SN - 24040 Suisio BG - Italy - Fully paid-up share capital € 2,408,000 - VAT number 00884290164 - registered with the REA of Bergamo n. 180918.
Access to the website www.pavonitalia.com is a voluntary action by the user and does not entail any obligation other than to comply with the conditions set out therein.
By accepting these terms and conditions of use, the user declares to use the website for the sole purpose of responding to their own needs and not for any other form that is illegal or contrary to the laws in force in the Italian territory. He also declares to use his personal information by entering it correctly, completely and truthfully.
If the user suspects that their personal data have been used improperly, they are responsible of contacting Pavoni Italia S.p.A. customer service, in order to avoid situations of damage.
The user is informed and - by browsing the website - accepts that in case of use contrary to the law or such as to determine a possible risk and damage for Pavoni Italia S.p.A. the latter, in case of:
1) legal actions against the user;
2) release by the user of untrue, inaccurate or incomplete personal information;
3) use by the user of false or stolen credit cards
may alternatively:
a) deactivate or suspend the account and therefore access to the reserved area;
b) refuse or cancel any orders.
Pavoni Italia S.p.A. reserves the right to modify at any time, for any reason and without obligation to communicate it directly to each user, these terms and conditions of use.
Pavoni Italia S.p.A. is not responsible in cases of technical errors related to the incompatibility of the website with any user hardware or software or in the case of inaccurate, unsafe or unreliable information on third party websites.
Pavoni Italia S.p.A. is not responsible for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the proposed data sheets and for any damage suffered or caused by the user who used a product purchased on the website.
The user is responsible for the protection of his equipment and access data; for the use made of the website or services; for any breach of these terms and conditions. The user is also prohibited from entering data on the website that could alter its content or appearance.
Industrial and intellectual property rights
Pavoni Italia S.p.A. holds all industrial and intellectual property rights of the website and the related blog. Pavoni Italia S.p.A. reserves the right to prosecute any abuse in the use of its site in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation in force in the Italian territory.
All Pavoni Italia items are made of materials suitable for food contact, in compliance with the latest legal provisions. The pictures on this website are for illustrative purposes only. Weights and measurements may be subject to variations
Images, texts, logos, graphic elements, videos, photographs, tutorials and any graphic and / or text representation in general and any other element published and / or reproduced on this site are the property of Pavoni Italia S.p.A. or granted for use by the latter by authorized third parties.
All trademarks, logos, domain names, company names are covered by proprietary rights and as such cannot be used, replicated, copied by third parties without the authorization of Pavoni Italia S.p.A.. Pavoni Italia S.p.A. is solely responsible for the management of the official portal www.pavonitalia.com with the consequence that there is no responsibility in case of cloning of the site for illegal purposes that could mislead unknowing users. Pavoni Italia S.p.A. may, at any time, in its sole and exclusive discretion, suspend, limit or interrupt the website in order to update it or modify its content.
Registration and personal profile
The website www.pavonitalia.com offers an online sales service for its products, after registration. All fields with the * symbol are required during the registration phase, as well as the acceptance of the Privacy Policy and the ReCaptcha verification ("I'm not a robot"). After completing the registration, if the latter is successful, the user receives a registration confirmation email.
If the user loses or wishes to change their password, they can request the change using the appropriate form in the "log in" sessions. In the event that the login email is not available, please contact Customer Service at the addresses indicated above.
Once registered, the user can access their personal area, where they can save / edit their personal data, choose whether to buy as a private individual or as a company and set their billing and shipping addresses.
For any further needs, the Customer Care service is available to the user through the contact details at the top of the page.